Sistem Pelacakan Objek Menggunakan Sensor Ultrasonik dan Inframerah untuk Mobile Robot di Lingkungan Dinamis
Follower Robot, Arduino Uno, Ultrasonic sensor, Infrared sensorAbstract
This research aims to develop a robot that can automatically follow the movement of a moving object using the Arduino Uno as the main microcontroller platform. The robot integrates an ultrasonic sensor to detect distance and an infrared sensor to detect the direction of the moving object's motion. The ultrasonic sensor is used to maintain a distance between the robot and the object within the range of 1-25 cm, ensuring the robot continues to follow the target at the designated distance. The infrared sensor is used to adjust the robot's orientation, enabling it to move right or left with accuracy based on a distance of 1-5 cm. The robot's design is developed to be cost-effective while maintaining kinematic performance suitable to support its functionality. Testing shows that the robot can follow the object automatically if the distance is less than 25 cm. If the distance exceeds 25 cm, the robot stops because the object is no longer detected. On the infrared sensor, the voltage is 0 when the object is detected and 1 when it is not detected.
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